MathOverflow Documentation

Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t see a graph!?

Most likely, your camera is pointing into the void. Try clicking the camera-button in the toolbar, and we’ll try to place your camera so you can see the graph.

There’s an animation of an arrow pointing downwards in the middle of the screen!?

That means that your browser is currently downloading an offline copy of our webapp. It’ll go away as soon as that is finished. Please keep in mind that the page may refresh after the download, resetting all graph data to default values.

I selected the wrong step size, and now drawing the graph takes too long - can I cancel the process?

Sure - just click the spinning icon in the middle of the screen.

I entered a formula, but when I try to draw it, no graph appears, and a strange icon is shown?

We couldn’t parse your input. If you’re not sure what went wrong, click on the icon and we’ll show you the full error message.

When drawing, the infinity-symbol is show on the screen!?

That means that we’ve encountered the value “Infinity” while drawing - most likely by dividing through zero. Since we can’t plot that, we left out that part of the graph.

When I click Export, a screenshot appears - but how can I save it?

Ask your browser. Probably, a right-click will work.

I can’t find the Export button.

Most likely, you’re using iOS and using our webapp in standalone mode. This functionality isn’t availible in that mode - try hiding the toolbar and doing a normal screenshot by pressing Home and Power at the same time.

Performance is really bad on my desktop computer.

Use Chrome.

Performance is really bad on my desktop computer, using Chrome.

Draw fewer graphs or increase the step size.

Performance is really bad on my iOS device.

Purchase a faster iOS device ;-)

Performance is bad on my Android device.

Try a different browser - what about Chrome? Already using Chrome? You’re screwed.

I can’t move the camera. I’m using Windows Phone 7.

Unluckily, your browser doesn’t support touch events. Try updating to Windows Phone 8. (This process involves purchasing a new phone.)